Microneedling or Botox?

For rejuvenating your skin and having a more youthful appearance, botox and microneedling are both at the top of the list for being the best. Both techniques help to reduce the appearance of little lines and wrinkles and both tone and plump up the skin. While both treatments provide similar results, they’re nowhere near the same thing. So, what is the difference between microneedling and botox? While Botox may be popular, microneedling is rapidly surpassing the popularity of botox and becoming the procedure of choice for both clinicians and patients. Which one of these procedures is right for any individual patient – depends entirely on their personal aesthetic goals.

How do microneedling and Botox work?

Most people are aware that botox is a serum (botulinum) injected into the skin. Microneedling uses tiny needles to prick the skin and trigger natural cell turn over, collagen production, and healing. Microneedling pricks the skin surface to a certain depth, while botox is injected below the skin’s surface. While microneedling affects the skin, botox affects mainly the muscles.

Botox is effective in reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, but it does not treat the skin surface. Botox is injected into the underlying muscle, partially paralyzing it, and restricting muscle mobility. It doesn’t entirely prevent patients from making normal facial expressions, but just enough to reduce the wrinkling caused from frowns or squints, helping to prevent wrinkles from deepening over time.

Botox injections are commonly used on crow’s feet and frown lines. Patients don’t have to worry any longer about the face-freezing results formerly associated with Botox as it can and is used more judiciously in achieving more subtle effects. The amount needed depends on the severity of wrinkles and the desired results. When more than one syringe is required, most practitioners choose to administer injections in multiple sessions, as opposed to all in one.

The results of Botox slowly diminish over time, but injections can be repeated indefinitely in order to maintain the results desired and can be scheduled at 3-6 month intervals, depending on the need of each patient.

Microneedling, on the other hand, rejuvenates the skin by stimulating the production of healthy new cells, renewing the skin, resulting in smoother, more radiant, and younger-looking skin.

Very tiny needles are used to create microscopic punctures in the skin. The body then works naturally to repair these small wounds. The newly-formed capillaries increase blood flow, and the newly-produced collagen and elastin work to improve the structure and texture of the skin.

Microneedling works gradually and often, the results are visible almost immediately, and become more apparent as the skin heals. Practitioners will usually recommend multiple procedures to heal fine to moderate wrinkles and then additional procedures to for deep wrinkles or other conditions such as acne scars. Sessions are usually spaced about a month apart, giving the skin ample time to continue healing between procedures.

When should you see results for each?

Because botox is injected under the skin, results are pretty immediate. Microneedling does work very quickly, and while it breaks the skin, it’s not considered an injection. Instead, microneedling stimulates the skin’s natural processes, meaning that it can take a little more time to see results.

Many people see improvement in the skin as soon as the first day. However, as healing continues, results become more apparent over a few days.

How long do the results last for each?

Effective microneedling is dependent the skin’s healing ability. Results become visible over a few days and repeated sessions help to sustain the results. It is recommended that a microneedling treatment take place up to once a month. On the other hand, botox last longer because it impacts the muscles beneath the skin.

Botox essentially freezes or paralyzes the facial muscles in order to reduce wrinkles and lines. Therefore, it isn’t necessary to repeat botox treatments as often as microneedling, but the effects still do fade over time. While microneedling may be a monthly routine, botox would only need to be injected again after three to six months.

Uses for each…

Botox has long been the main solution for minimizing and preventing wrinkles and fine lines. While Botox is used to treat migraines, it’s mainly a cosmetic procedure. Botox isn’t used to treat much than lines and wrinkles. Microneedling, on the other hand, has many more uses. While the most popular uses for microneedling are treating wrinkles, lines, and rejuvenating collagen and elastin production, it can do so much more – such as treating very harsh acne scars and pocked areas of skin. Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin rather than freezing muscles.

There are benefits to both!

Microneedling and botox are both quite popular skin treatments as they are both quite effective in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Nevertheless, there are stark differences between the two which may determine whether or not one or the other is right for you.

While botox is more intense and requires less frequent applications, it targets the muscles below the skin. Microneedling, on the other hand, actually works to stimulate healing – promoting the production of collagen and elastin as the skin heals.

Both microneedling and Botox injections are quite safe and very effective for patients with all skin types. Depending on patient needs, clinicians may even recommend both, using Botox injections to help improve longer lasting results and microneedling to improve the surface and deeper condition of the skin. Ask your physician if one or both are right for you.

The Sylfirm X RF Microneedling skin treatment is a GREAT solution! It is available at our Meridian Idaho and Twin Falls Idaho locations. https://hormonesweightloss.com/contact-us/


Microneedling v Cosmetic Surgery


RF Microneedling vs. Traditional Microneedling